The Magic of Three
Ancient cultures believed the triple spiral was a symbol of the elemental nature of existence and the circulating energies between land, sea and sky—the lower, middle and upper worlds of earth and heaven through the human; body, mind and spirit.
Each one is a gateway.
Awareness and attention to the relationships and stepping stones between the gateways creates potential for evolutionary experiences. Applying this awareness to your daily life–your communication, health and relationships, and more, can open the gates to your higher self, super consciousness and experiential wisdom, especially when intention is present.
Some of the most balanced structures are combinations of three. Our physical bodies have three primary brain parts with corresponding levels of consciousness: reptilian—unconscious, limbic—subconscious, and neocortex—conscious. Our subtle bodies have three primary energy cauldrons in the abdomen (1st-3rd chakras), chest, (4th chakra) and head (5th-7th chakras). There are also three primary ways we interact with and respond to life: physically, mentally-emotionally, and spiritually.
Shine a light onto the path of personal evolution.
The triple spiral is one of many sacred symbols that can be used to highlight the path, guide the journey and open the gateways to deeper exploration of life—both the inner terrain and outer experiences.
The brain is one of many physical body systems that can be applied as a map for pathworking—through emotional and spiritual self awareness practices. On a more subtle level the chakras are a map.
Scales of consciousness, the 8 limbs of yoga, astrology, numerology, tarot and the mystical qaballah are all pre-defined maps that can be applied to personal evolution, helping to guide us through the stepping stones of our personal journey.
Mapping guides intention.
The map is a foundation. It orients and assists focus, manifesting ideas and dreams into form—their intentions and potential outcomes, while the journey itself is a spontaneous and unfolding discovery along the way.
“The map is not the territory.” Alfred Korsybski
Journeys are uniquely evolutionary.
Be grateful for those who have walked before you, entraining and marking the path so that you may experience your journey ever more deeply.
“One never goes as far as when one doesn’t know where one is going.” Goethe
Integrated Healing Alchemy
Awareness, guidance and practice are at the core of each of our three gateway offerings: feng shui recipes for the body and soul, herbal energy healing blueprints, as well as the oracle’s r-evolutionary pathworking guidance. Each one uniquely interfaces with all three types of consciousness, the three primary energy cauldrons, the three levels of interaction and their corresponding brain parts.
Proper use of energy–coupled with appropriately placed attention, intentional communication and purposeful direction, are the keys that open the sacred gates to physical health, and emotional-mental integrity, as souls-spirits in human bodies, experiencing life on this amazing planet Earth.
Click on the icons above to explore the three modalities offered at Sacred Gateways.
Sacred Gateways
Integrated Healing Alchemy
1227 S. St Francis Drive, Unit B
Santa Fe, NM 87505